DoggCatcher - A Powerful Podcast Download Manager for Android

DoggCatcher is the perfect podcast manager for Android....If you like to listen to a lot of podcasts on-the-go, It will automatically download new episodes, delete old ones you've listened to, and even speed them up if you're time-starved.

When it comes to listening to podcasts, it's got you covered in more ways than one. It will automatically download new episodes in any of your feeds so you can listen to them offline, delete old episodes that you've already listened to (so your SD card doesn't fill up with podcasts), and even let you speed up audio podcasts to get through them quicker. They also have a pretty active community where you can ask questions, get support, and make feature requests.

Doggcatcher is a $6.99 download for Android phones, and it is well worth the price if you listen to any podcasts. The features and options are too numerous to mention here, so head over to the Android Market and check it out.

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DuckDuckGo : A Great Web Search Application For Android

DuckDuckGo is a Great web search Applicatoion that adds a short blip of information above the normal list of search results, in a way that often answers the question being asked. The informative blip is called "zero-click info."

As a search engine, DuckDuckGo has some other great features as well. One feature of the mobile app that you won't find in a browser is voice search, which has the potential to really speed up answer-finding when combined with the app's zero-click info feature. Users can also add to this by setting a custom search widget for DuckDuckGo.

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Top Features of Android 3.1 (Ice Cream Sandwich)

Google's Great upcoming Android 3.1 (Ice Cream Sandvich) is coming for tablets but it's also improving Google TV's interface.

Here are some of the nicest new features in 3.1:

• Android devices can be USB hosts, so you can hook up keyboards, mice and game controllers (like the Xbox 360 controller)

• Expanding, resizable widgets
• Facial detection with camera, so video chat will automatically focus on the speaker who's talking (if there are multiple ones)

The 3.1 Ice Cream Sandwich Android release will launch in Q4 2011. Of course "launch" is a relative term for Android releases, since historically, new builds only hit Nexus phones first. But the upside is that Ice Cream Sandwich will put all of Honeycomb's new features into phones.

It's unclear whether or not Android 3.1 is Ice Cream Sandwich. They talked about both, and talk about Ice Cream Sandwich being "one version of Android on all devices", but didn't mention explicitly that 3.1 is Ice Cream Sandwich.

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