Reinstall Windows XP in a Different Mode !!!

Well... During Installing windows (only XP recommended and mentioned) we want all the software and application installed on your computer. we will then be required to reinstall all of them.

But there is way to keep all of them as it as before means as before they installed or execute.


These are some steps to keep ur personal data recors documents songs and anything safe N secure while Installing Windows........

Follow these Steps and also aware about these steps which are mentioned below :)

1. First of all remind ur First boot device should not be CD-ROM.. Make it anything else but not CD-ROM.
2. Start ur PC and Insert ur XP CD in CD-ROM.....
3. Go to Command prompt.........
4. Open ur CD-ROM Drive :) e.g- G:>(Suppose ur Drive is G)
5. Then type cd i386 and press enter and then again type cd i386 then again enter
6. And now type “WINNT32 /unattend” in command prompt
7. Press Enter Now u will see that Windows is setting Up and start Installing it self with out creating any problem to ur exiting and installed data N record of ur PC.


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