Advanced Validation of Windows XP

Advanced Validation of Windows XP:


1- Click in start and then in run

2- Type in regedit and then ok

3- In the regedit, go to this following key:


4- On the right panel, double click in OOBETimer

5- In the opened window delete all values and click OK. Shut the regedit

6- Go again in start > run and this time type:

%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a

7- In the window that oppened, choose the option... YES I WISH TO MAKE A PHONE CALL... ( or something similar to this sentence )

8- In the next step, click in the button that says CHANGE PRODUCT KEY ( or something similar )

9- In the next step, type a CD-Key:

THMPV-77D6F-94376-8HGKG-VRDRQ and click to update

10- After clicking in the update button, the assistant to activation will return one page, then click in " remember me later ", and restart Windows again.

11- Restart Windows, go again in start > run and type:

%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a

12- The following message will appear:

Windows activation

Windows is now activated


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