Hmm !!! Let's Start

You are probably very excited to start hacking, and you should know that being a hacker is an adrenaline rush as well as fullfilling. To begin hacking, you need to learn a programming language such as(c/c++/perl/php/java) and study certain operating systems such as(windows NT,2000/Linux/Unix). Ask other hackers what they use and why, then choose one and stick to it. It can take several months to learn the basics of one of these technologies, and years to master. If you can’t spend at least a half hour a day to advance your computer skills, then hacking may not be for you.

After learning an advanced operating system, and/or programming, you will be able to understand how exploits work and how systems are compromised. Its best to read up in the exploits section of Site,After gaining this knowledge, you will begin to develop skills necessary to protect yours or anothers system or program from crackers.

IAMPIRATED can help you to advance your computer skills by providing a place to ask questions, read articles, and see how exploits work.

You should know what a lamer is considered as, No-one likes to be around lamers, so you should avoid ‘lame’ behaviour at all costs.

A lamer is not a hacker. Someone is classified as a lamer when:

1: They ask others to break into email accounts, or deface websites for them.

2: They talk about sub7 or Back Oriface.

3: They ask alot of questions, but arent willing to read articles,books, or investigate on their own.

4: They ask others to do any illegal activity for any reason.

Technology is constantly changing, and it is important for you to stay current if you are a hacker. Visit some of the sites listed in the links section . Stay current with the hacker news, and contribute what you can to the community.
To Sum it all up:

1. Study an operating system such as: Linux/Unix/WinNt,2000,XP.
2. Learn at least one programming language.
3. Learn how networking technologies work (TCP/IP,Ethernet,FDDI) etc.
4. Study how exploits work and participate in wargames.
5. Avoid being lame.
6. Read articles, ask lots of questions and never stop learning.

That's All I We Want To Say. Have A Nice Day.


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