Hackers: 3 Types

All 3 types of hackers may have detailed knowledge of system security and programming, but how they use their knowledge is what makes them very different.

1. Black-hat hackers (also known as crackers) are the ones who write virii, destroy data, and deface websites along with other illegal activity. This type of hacker will not end up at a very good job due to a bad reputation, and usually ends up in jail for a long period of time.

2. Grey-hat hackers are borderline white/black hats. They sometimes prank unsuspecting users and cause general mayhem. While they think this kind of activity is harmless, they may face long periods of jail time, and rejection from the hacker community.

3. White-hat hackers are the Jedi-knights of hacking, using their knowledge for good, and usually end up working as high-paid network admins, programmers, and security consultants. When a software bug is found, the white-hat community will work together to solve the problem. This kind of hacker is the most respected in the internet community.


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